Rental Management Returns
Unlike regular Sales orders, Rental orders have an elaborate return process. When a customer no longer has a need for the item, the Rental item needs to come back to our warehouse. Sometimes the customer will bring the item(s) to the warehouse, but often they need to be picked up. The return proces consists of these steps:
Create a Collection order |
Define what is supposed to be collected (or brought in) |
Register the Collection order |
Specify what has actually been collected (or brought in). This can differ from what was supposed to. |
Post Check in note |
Check In note is not a required step to return the items. This is an extra step in the returns process if the users require. |
Post Termination note |
The Termination note truly ends the Rental order (and readies it for final invoicing). This is the only truly mandatory step in the return process. |
While (Advanced) Warehouse Management processes can be used for the outgoing rental process, the (Advanced) Warehouse Management mobile app is not built to support the ingoing processes such as creating or booking collection orders, check-in notes, termination notes, or return journals.
Step-by-step Rental return process
Navigate to Rental management > Rental orders > All rental orders
Navigate to the relevant Rental order
Click on the Returns and collections tab from the ribbon
Click on Collection order from the Generate action pane. This opens a Collection create order window
Collection name: Defaults but can be changed if desired
Collection: Enter the Collection date and time
Collection mode: Will default from parameters but can be changed if needed
Off rent reference: Enter the Off-rent reference quoted to the customer if applicable
Off rent date/time: Enter the Off-rent date and time if different from the defaulted value
Fill in the Storage dimensions to where the equipment is being returned, if they are different from the issuing storage dimensions. Please note you cannot return cross site. If you are returning to the same location the object got issued from, leave the storage dimensions blank.
Click OK
Under the Collection order lines fast tab remove any lines not requiring Collection at this time or Update the quantity to collect at this moment
Click on the Manage tab from the ribbon
Click on Collection note from the Generate action pane. This opens a Collection note posting window
Activate the Printout setting if you want to print the Packing slip
Click on OK
Navigate to Rental management > Rental orders > All rental orders >> Returns and collections tab > Journals > Collection order or go via Rental management > Collection orders > All collection orders >> Select your collection order
Click on the Manage tab from the ribbon
Click on Register collection note from the Maintain action pane
Enter the collected quantitie(s) if less than the proposed quantity. If you are collecting less, you will be required to enter a reason code.
Click on Register collection note to register the Collection order
The Check-in note is not a required step to return items. The Check-in note can be used for example if returns are handled by the customer and the rented items are returned directly to your warehouse (effectively skipping the Collection order step). It can also be used as an extra step in the returns process if required. It is mostly started from the Rental order, but please note it can also be started from the Collection order.
Navigate to Rental Management > Rental orders > All rental orders
Navigate to the relevant Rental order
Click on the Returns and collections tab from the ribbon
Click on Check-in note from the Generate action pane. This opens a Posting check-in note window
If not all items are to be Checked in click on the Rental check-in tab and update the Update column with the quantity to be checked in. You can also remove complete lines that are not to be checked-in.
Check and if needed change the Return receipt actual date for every line
Activate the Print check-in note slider if needed
Click on OK
Please note that the Termination is the only mandatory step from a system perspective, all other return process steps can be skipped. Starting the termination process can be done both from the Rental order and the Collection order.
Navigate to Rental management > Rental orders > All rental orders >> Returns and collections tab > Generate action pane > Termination note or go via Rental management > Collection orders > All collection orders >> Manage tab > Generate action pane > Termination note
When you click Termination note, the Posting termination note dialog opens
Under the Parameters fast tab select the appropriate setting from the drop down (All, Packing slip and Checked in are most commonly used)
If not all items are to be Terminated click on the Rental termination tab and update the Update column or remove entire lines
Check and if needed change the Off rent executed date on the parameters tab to update it for all lines. On the Rental termination tab the date can also be changed for individual lines.
Activate the Print termination note slider if needed
Click on OK
Use default off rent executed time
When the termination note is created, the system looks at the rental parameter for the ‘Use default time of day’.
- When the rental parameter ‘Use default time of day’ is set to ‘No’, the current functionality showing the off-rent date is shown.
- When the rental parameter ‘Use default time of day’ is set to ‘Yes’, the date field should be empty when opening the termination note dialog, but the time field should be filled with the time-value from the rental parameter ‘default time’ field.
The effect of this parameter on all ‘off rent executed’ and ‘return receipt actual’ date fields in the rental dates section for every line is as follows:
- When the date field and time field are both left empty or the time field is not shown (current functionality), then both date fields are left unchanged (for all lines).
- When only the time has been filled from the parameters, but the date field is empty, then both date fields are left unchanged (for all lines).
- When the date field is filled and the time is already there (from the parameter setup), then both date fields are updated with a new datetime value (which should be the combination of the date and time filled in the header)
- When the date or time field is updated (and the date is not empty), then both date fields are updated with a new datetime value (which should be the combination of the date and time filled in the header)